Hi, I'm Marshall.

This is where I share apps I've created and projects I've worked on.

Projects and apps

Spinning Into Control screencap
Spinning Into Control

Tableau visualizations that show how I used data to plan a vinyl collection and learn other musical facts about myself

GOT Heds? screencap
GOT Heds?

A Flask app that is a simple web scraper for "Game of Thrones" stories

USGS Earthquake Map cap
USGS Earthquake Map

Leaflet map of the world showing all earthquakes recorded by the USGS in the past week

Opioid Deaths screencap
Opioid Deaths

Full-stack dashboard that examines whether opioid prescribing rates in the U.S. had any effect on the prescription opioid death rate

Belly Button Biodiversity screencap
Belly Button Biodiversity

Dashboard of Plotly.js charts using data about bacteria that live inside belly buttons

Census Health Chart cap
Census Health Chart

D3.js plot of health data from the US Census that compares poverty rate to healthcare access


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